1. Climate change. Even if you think global warming is a hoax, there's no denying humans are negatively impacting the Earth by cutting down trees, using nonrenewable resources like fossil fuel and creating greenhouse gases. Countries like China are a prime example of how pollution is impacting our lives negatively (i.e. the smog in Beijing).
Solution: Look to other resources. Find a way to make oil useless and replace it with another source of energy. Stop taking more from this Earth than we can put back.
2. Lack of awareness. As a journalist, this is something I find to be subtle, but very, very dangerous. If my generation is less informed of what's going on in the world, the powerful people in suits will be able to get away with anything and everything.
Solution: Make it important to pay attention. Teach in schools the importance of understanding the governing body off a country or province. Understand how "the system" works.
3. Animal abuse. One of the biggest issues in the world, in my opinion, is the mistreatment of creatures who aren't humans. There's a lack of sympathy for these creatures who are alive and feel and love and can be happy. We shouldn't be stomping on them and treating them like scum.
Solution: Mandate that animals be treated better. Countries are making moves on this, but not a single creature deserves a miserable life.
4. Homeless population. They're people, too. During the colder seasons, we need to be compassionate and help when we can. As a journalist, I feel like part of my job is to inform the public of what they go through.
Solution: Make compassion a norm. If we can change the public view on homeless people, we can create a better world.
5. Lack of nature conservation. This issue ties into climate change, but this is specifically referring to plants and species going extinct because of humans. We've caused the extinction of animals like tortoises and plants like coral reefs through pollution and population increases.
Solution: Pay attention to the other creatures. Create and raise awareness.
6. Population expansion. There are 7.125 BILLION people on this Earth. And while I don't think we should do any kind of "ethnic cleansing" or mass genocide, we need to keep in mind that this Earth is a precious resource that we can't run into the ground.
Solution: Have people consider other options, like using birth control, or adoption (versus having a big family).
7. Healthcare. In some countries, it's a privilege. In others, it's a right. I think the U.S. is behind on healthcare. Currently, many Americans face the issue of not having health insurance or paying a lot of money for not-so-great insurance.
Solution: Create a system that benefits everyone, with the lowest possible cost. It can be done.
8. Body Image. In many countries, there's a standard of beauty for both men and women. Many times, those standards are very unrealistic. The media portray a certain type of beauty, and many adolescents are vulnerable to believing everything they see.
Solution: Limit the amount and type of enhancements that create a misrepresentation of people's bodies. Stop digitally enhancing everything, or at least limit it.
Here is a popular example of this. The model was given a pretty extreme "thigh gap."
9. World hunger. In many countries, families and kids and adults face the fear of dying from malnutrition. In others, people eat too much.
Solution: Find a way to spread it even.
10. Refugees. There's a fairly common idea that refugees are terrorists, refugees are here to take our benefits, steal our lives and family. They are people who lost their homes and have nowhere else to go.
Solution: Open our arms and embrace them into our lives. We need to be compassionate to each other, as human beings.
I really enjoyed looking at what you thought are the world's biggest problems! I noticed that we have a lot of the same ones such as: world hunger, population expansion, and homelessness issue. However, I found it really interesting that you included the body image problem as a global issue which is something I overlooked when creating my own list. I completely agree that body issues has become a global issue among mostly women and it was really cool seeing that on your list! Here is the link to my list of World's Biggest Problems: http://lbritthoff.blogspot.com
ReplyDeleteI, like Lauren before me, found your inclusion of body image on this list interesting. It is very easy to focus upon the issues which are sensationalized on the news or which have the most hype surrounding them. However, body image issues plague many throughout the world and often occur under the radar and avoid detection in ways that widespread homelessness and world hunger cannot. I also like that you included lack of awareness among these great issues. I agree that the ignorance of the world is detrimental to understanding and to progress. If you’re interested, here’s a link to my post on the issue: http://madiganent.blogspot.com/2016/01/worlds-biggest-problems.html