Saturday, January 16, 2016

The 20 things that made my Bug List

1. It bugs me when I’m out eating with friends and they chew with their mouth open, or they speak with food in their mouth. Why? I don’t enjoy the sight of their masticated food and asking them to repeat what they said because I couldn’t understand what they were saying around the chewed up piece of steak.
2. It bugs me when I have to repeat myself more than twice, especially over the phone when I’m doing phone interviews because I don’t know whether to enunciate clearer or speak ladder.
3. It bugs me when people have terrible grammar, both written and verbal, especially if they’re trying to get a point across.
4. It bugs me when I have to wake up early in the morning to move my car from the Orange decal section behind Beaty Towers because the Red 1 spaces are full. Why? I already pay thousands of dollars in tuition, and I find it ridiculous that I have to move my car so I won’t get a ticket. UF doesn’t deserve more of my money.
5. It bugs me when the laundry detergent I use doesn’t smell as great as I thought it did in the store. Why? It’s misleading, and I really like fresh-smelling clothes.
6. It bugs me when it’s early in the morning and I’m trying to get out the door, and I have to figure out a way to squeeze the last bit of it out. Why? Because I paid for the toothpaste, and I also want to use every last bit of it.
7. It bugs me when I’m in the shower, and I have to shake a bottle of body wash until some of it comes out. Why? Because I’m wasting time and water.
8. It bugs me when my laptop automatically restarts itself because it needs to install updates, which can take up to 20 minutes, right when I need it the most.  Why? Because when I’m writing on deadline and I have an hour to write a story, it’s tough when my laptop decides to take a nap.
9. It bugs me when I have wake up and my dorm is freezing because my roommate decides to move the thermometer to the coldest level. Why? Cold temperatures make it so much harder for me to wake up.
10. It bugs me when I have to make the choice between face wash with microbeads, which are bad for the environment, or a skin-drying face wash. Why? There should be other options readily available in stores like Wal-Mart and Publix.
11. It bugs me when I have to pay for things like tampons and panty liners on a regular basis. Why? I don’t think people should be making a profit off of something women all over the world can’t control.
12. It bugs me when I feel the need to constantly look over my should when I’m outside walking any time past 6:30 p.m. Why? Because it was instilled in me at a young age that women need to be wary of all men.
13. It bugs me when I’m working on a story and I’m having a hard time finding sources, especially on Wednesdays. Why? Because I have class all day and I have to squeeze interviews in between classes.
14. It bugs me when my friends make jokes that are offensive to genders. Why? I think that’s why people think it’s okay to hit a girl when you’re a kid “because it means he likes you” or when you expect a guy to pay for a dinner because it’s “chivalrous.” I think small things like jokes breed inappropriate behavior, and it negatively impacts both genders.
15. It bugs me when I’m at a public restroom and there’s a leaky faucet and I can’t figure out a way to turn it off. Why? It’s a waste of water.
16. It bugs me when I’m driving from Gainesville to my hometown, Naples, and I have my phone connected to Bluetooth, so I know when I receive a text, but it only allows me to pick a response without picking up my phone instead of letting me create one. Why? I don’t like texting and driving, but the four-hour car ride gives me enough time to become bored multiple times.
17. It bugs me when I’m trying to study in the Marston library, which is always packed, and I leave to go to the bathroom, and I come back to find that my chair is gone. Why? I either have to pack up and leave or hunt down the person who stole my chair.
18. It bugs me when I’m practicing soccer at Norman Field and this one hole at the top of the net lets the ball roll away from me. Why? Because I have to chase after to ball multiple times, despite getting the ball in the net.
19. It bugs me when I’m in line for coffee at the Starbucks in the Reitz Union on Tuesday afternoons after class and the line spills into the courtyard.
20. It bugs me when I’m interviewing people in-person, and I’m scribbling down notes like a madwoman and my ink runs dry! Why? I have to tell the person I’m interviewing to pause while I get a new pen so I make sure I get the quote down correctly. 

Going through 20 things that bug me, and then explaining why they bug me, helped me realize the scope of things that bothered me. 


  1. Hey Melissa, your bugs are quite funny and I really enjoyed reading all of them. I truly gave me a good laugh but they actually are things that bother me as well. I absolutely hate it when people turn down the temperature when i'm sleeping. I feel as though it is evil because waking up at night freezing is one of the worst feelings in the world. Also your comment about the reitz union, this also happens at the Chick-fil-a at the hub. It's the worst and takes so long. Hopefully you answering why solved some of these issues.


  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. HI Melissa, I definitely agree that people who have poor manners, like chewing and talking with their mouth open, are really irritating. I was taught that having good manners at all times, even with friends, was a sign of discipline and respect. Additionally, I like your comment about certain jokes encouraging poor behavior and impacting gender roles in society like men paying during dinner. Perhaps, we can go further and change the mindset that guys have to be the proactive ones to start conversations with women in any setting. I believe there is a mindset that if a guy is shy than he is somehow inadequate and unmanly. The same can be said with women in that if they take on that role, they are loose or unrefined. I believe these types of jokes help perpetuate this mindset and can be very harmful to people.

