Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Mu Unfair Advantage

My resources:
1. A large body of people
For this project, I will need a targeted demographic. I will need a large body of people, or else the sustainable parking lot will be pointless. It’s valuable, because it what drives the product. You cannot replicate any large body of people; everywhere you go, the needs will be different. That’s why I believe the UF population is unique because the population has a need for parking.
2. Sustainability experts
Sustainability experts will be necessary to help me figure put to what extent I can make the parking lot sustainable. They’ll also be necessary because I don’t understand the pros and cons of sustainable products. I’ll need their help in figuring out how to get sustainable products for low prices.
3. Architects
Architects will play an extremely important role in the presentation of the product and building of it. The architects will be in charge of creating a parking lot that will be efficient in space, but also something that people will want to be a part of and be in. a part of it will be to try and make it art. We don’t want to create something that will cause sore eyes; we want to create something that people won’t be embarrassed or obligated to be a part of.
4. Social media expert
The social media expert will be the person heading the marketing of the product. We want to create an online presence before the parking lot launches. In order to begin revenue, we’ll want to make it so that students are buying decals before the lot opens.
5. Lawyer
A lawyer is important to protect my company from any liability, as well as any partners of the project. Although I do want to be efficient with time and money, I want to make sure I’m safe from liability, in terms of land use, permits and the law.
6. A student representative
A student will be important because they’ll represent the population we want to serve. They will act as a liaison between the students and our company. What do the students need most? Do they have problems with current parking lots? How many problems? They’ll be the person to ask.
7. A contractor
A contractor will be important to go through the building process. They’ll be an important part as well, because they’ll be representing the business. For instance, the same way Skanska USA has become associated with doing most of UF’s on-campus construction, I will want a contractor that will responsibly represent my product.
8. Recycled cement
This is a tangible resource I’ll be looking to get from the sustainability experts. 
9. Transportation expert
The transportation expert will be vital in helping creating a metro system between the parking lot and the campus. They’ll also be responsible for understanding traffic and any transportation-related issues regarding the lot.
10. A business partner
Until students buy decals for the parking lot, I will be in some serious debt. I'll need a business partner, someone who believes in the success of the plan, to financially back the plan. 

Out of all the resources, I do think the architect will be the most important resource. They'll be the most important part of creating a unique product, because they'll be responsible for the final product. 


  1. Melissa,
    I think you did a really great job on this post! you really thought outside of the box on the advantages you have regarding your product! I think you really thought the whole thing through really well and did a good job realizing that your most valuable resource was an architect. Check out my post at :

  2. You did a really good job finding your advantage. I think that you took a very practical and unique approach to this post. You did a really good of finding the different types of business professionals that you will need in order to get your business started and keep it going.
    Here is a link to my blog if you want to take a look at it.

  3. Hey Melissa!

    Good job on the post. Out of all the other posts that I have read, you seem to have a slightly different approach to the idea of an advantage and I think you did an awesome job. You know exactly what your business will need to give you the upper hand on the competition and what you will need to be as successful as possible. A lawyer is something often overlooked and it is good to see that you are aware of the obstacles you may face with your new venture. Great job!
