Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Elevator Pitch No. 1

Opportunity: Parking spaces at UF

Solution: create a parking lot unlike any other. Bring in top architects from across the world and make do with the space we have.

Name: Your Next Destination

Here at Your Next Destination, we work together to help anyone and everyone solve a problem about a lack of space. As a company, we’re aware of increasing populations, which become dense in desired places like big cities and college towns. We work together with some world-class architects to bring you not only a beautiful end result, but one that works. 


  1. YES! How do I invest in this!?!?! UF is in desperate need of better and more parking! I completely 100% agree with this! Only thing is that where are we going to find this lot UF and the area around it is already so packed. I would say that we can make our parking garages now can use major improvements. Maybe start there.

  2. Great idea. Ironically, UF is plans to eliminate all parking on campus entirely with hopes of making UF "green." I don't know how they will accomplish this considering parking is such an issue on campus. we lack many spots and its frustrating to even think of having to find a parking space on campus. good job.

  3. Interesting pitch to solve the problem of campus parking in general. You outlined a decent problem that needs remediation and came up with a good solution for it. I wonder (at a thousand foot level) what the funding for the initiative would be. How would it profit outside of the social aspect.

  4. I would so be done with this idea! I find that even as the day gets later, when parking has been lifted, there still are not a lot of places to park on campus. With the construction of the new chemistry building on university, we as students lost a great parking lot that was close to mid-town and a lot of places on campus. I like the idea that you are also addressing the fact that the shuttle needs to run frequently! I feel that that would be the biggest draw of customers is if you had a shuttle that ran more consistently and constantly than the RTS. Hopefully your system would run more efficiently than RTS and actually be on time and follow a schedule! Overall, good job and I wish you the best of luck during this semester!
