Sunday, February 28, 2016

Half-way reflection

Here's my half-way reflection!

Tenaciousness is a skill. In order to keep with this course and its many assignments, I’ve had to find quite a bit of strength and perseverance. Not only did I set multiple reminders on my cellphone calendar, I’ve left sticky notes on my favorite snacks and desk with ‘ENT homework?’ on the notes to remind myself. There have been times where I did the assignments, but forgot to declare. Trust me, after missing 3 points that way, I haven’t forgotten yet.
2) Tenaciousness is also about attitude. There was one time where I had an essay, a project and 2 stories to write in one day. More than anything, I wanted to crawl into bed and forget it all. I felt like “giving up.” Instead, I took a deep breath and though about what an A on my transcript would look like, versus a B or a C. talk about motivation. I also waited to reward myself with coffee after finishing two assignments.

3) Three tips. If I could offer three tips to future students they would be 1) Don’t procrastinate. Don’t do it. It’s really hard to bounce back from behind, so you’re better off staying on track. 2) PLAN AHEAD. In fact, forget stay on track, plan ahead! Know who you’re going to talk to and when. Call an entrepreneur and tell them you’re going to talk to them at a certain time. 3)  Reward yourself for completing assignments. That doesn’t mean go partying or pig out, but a candy or two makes success tangible. It also quells the ache of having to do an essay and makes them a little easier to bear. 

Always remember: people before you have done it. So can you. 

1 comment:

  1. Great insight Melissa. I also provided a tip for planning ahead. Failing to plan is planning to fail. I too relied on constant reminders and ended up deciding to devote a certain amount of time each night to this course. I like your idea of refraining from self-gratification until certain goals are met. That shows great self-discipline. I on the other hand, will never deprive myself of caffeine. That is what keeps my tenacity levels up. Great job. Here is link to my post:
