Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Elevator Pitch No. 2

Your Next Destination is here to help you, the tired, stressed-out college student, find your place on campus. With your car! Believe it or not, there is one. The idea? Build a sustainable parking lot that’ll have a metro system to bring students on campus. The plan is to make it close enough so that walking is an option, but also providing a safe place for your car during the day, and having a way to get to and fro without having to walk in the heat, cold or rain. Because in the heart of the Gator Nation, we know that we’re not immune to the changing seasons of Florida. Our plan is to only sell as many decals as we have spots, or figure out a way only sell as many as we can provide during a busy time. I know what it’s like to circle the parking lot for several minutes. I don’t want other students to have to go through that again.

Looking back, I realized that my pitch is a lot cleaner and has a lot more information. Using feedback from the people I’ve interviewed, I’ve been able to get a clearer idea of what I want to create and build. It’s also a lot easier to talk about what I envision my project being because I’ve been building up the idea. 


  1. Really cool idea. I like how you are trying to integrate off campus students and limiting the amount of decals sold so there are no people driving around looking for spots. Also very creative making it weather proof! Here is my post http://cristalsicard.blogspot.com/2016/02/elevator-pitch-no-2.html

  2. Hi Melissa, I'm glad to hear that you have improved your pitch. This is essential for successfully transmitting a clear message to the public. Furthermore, investors and the UF community will be more willing to absorb your idea. I think your idea needs implemented as soon as possible. The parking on campus is outrageous and a solution needs to surface. I believe you did a great job and should further your venture with this innovative idea. Feel free to check out my blog:



  3. Hey Melissa I greatly enjoyed reading through your blog. It was awesome to listen to all of your well thought out ideas. Also I liked how you took to the criticism and worked on it. I agree that there needs to be a parking lot. Last year I had no where to park and the parking tickets killed me. It is ridiculous that they already do not have this. As you can tell I support your idea.
    Attached is mine.

  4. So, I'm a little confused. Is this an above ground parking lot, a parking garage, or just a parking lot? If it's just a lot, what type of transportation would you have getting me to and from the parking lot? How would I be protected from the elements? I like the idea, but I think it needs to be described a bit more in the third pitch.

  5. Hey Melissa! Interesting idea you have here. I am slightly confused by how it works, would it just be a normal parking lot with some sort of transportation to campus? If so how would that differ from the commuter lot with RTS bus system? I suppose no time restrictions as well as reliable transportation are the way to go. Keep it up!
