Saturday, April 16, 2016

Diggin for Google Gold

Using strong words and phrases are an important part of creating SEO posts. My strategy was to write a lot, and use common phrases. I think it’s also important to pose questions to yourself. Something I didn’t do, but I think would’ve helped, is adding tags. Adding multiple tags will definitely drive traffic to blogs; people do it on Youtube all the time.
Keywords were definitely: entrepreneur, innovation, product and UF. UF is a major key word, because that is the aim of demographic for my product. I didn’t really change or refine any keywords of mine.
I used social media to enhance my efforts by posting on Twitter and Facebook. I did those in the beginning, but I haven’t recently. Honestly, I don’t think it really helped, when I did post on Facebook.
The post that received the most page views, which was 28, was my second elevator pitch. It also received 5 comments. I think it got the most traffic because I included a picture that I took of Mexico’s national soccer team. One commenter mentioned it, and I think it can draw attention because there’s something to look at.

Even without checking, I didn’t think I made it to the front page. I think it proves that I need more training in SEO writing, as well as understanding my audience. 


  1. Hey,
    I wish I knew about this ahead of time I would have used more labels/keywords for SEO. I used only the week #’s for my labels yet for some reason I got on the first page of Google for half of the weeks. My most viewed blog had 29 hits. Yet, my blog was well organized and I had videos and images throughout my posts.

    Overall keep you the great work. Oh yeah, feel free to leave some feedback on my post.

  2. Good evening Melissa, I think you did a great job with the write up to this assignment. We used a lot of the same techniques for trying to get more visibility for our blogs. I was posting mine to Facebook in the beginning as well, but that fell off early. Good luck!
