Sunday, April 3, 2016

Week 12 reading reflection

1. What surprised me was reading about the one-person band syndrome, and how it can actually be detrimental to the growth of a business. I considered this to be similar to when a person in a group works the most to get a group project done, and in my experience, the person doing all the work has been the reason anything gets done. But the book states that further along, the owner alone cannot continue to grow the business if they’re stuck in the daily routine.
2. What kind of confused me was the strategic management process. I read the paragraph that explains how strategic intent and strategic mission influence strategy formulation, but I can’t seem to follow the graph with the arrows and the information.
3. If I could ask the author two questions, I’d ask: how often have informal and unsystematic businesses succeeded? Despite being unorthodox, can they continue to flourish?
4. There wasn’t anything that the author said I would disagree about. I think I just need to reread some portions of the book to make sure I understand them. 

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